Lawyers TOP TIPS on video blogging : Guest On-line video guy @Kevoneil

Blogging for Lawyers – The Next step

Are you ahead of the curve?

So you have a web site and you have your blog. What’s next ?
If twitter can send traffic to your blog, how do you send traffic to your twitter account ?
(Do you see where I am going with this?) The circle is incomplete and many people just set up a twitter account and fail to utilise the optimum use of multiple strands of media as part of a new type communications strategy

The buzz word always seems to be ‘SEO’ Search engine optimisation and using tags can help to rank your site and blog in the rankings on google but what about a way of ranking even higher – easy video.
By putting video on your website and blog you instantly boost your rankings.
Video blogging – what is it and how easy is it to do ?
I wanted to learn how to stay ahead of the curve and so I spoke with The on-line video guy to find out what video blogging is, why lawyers and law students should use video blogs AS WELL as written blogs and to get some top tips.

Using video blogs to direct traffic
To catch the attention of viewers
To refer viewers back to your website and twitter account
generate FREE SEO ( no more paying someone to do it for you)
Rank higher in searches
Speak the language of your clients
Find a traineeship or LEGAL Job

Thanks to @Kevoneil and
I hope you enjoy this short video.
FOLLOW @kevoneil on twitter
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Michelle Hynes